Matthew Henry
Here we have,
come into the land of promise, Exod 12:25. And, no passover till they came to Canaan, Josh 5:10. This was an early indication of the abolishing of the ceremonial institutions at last, that, so soon after they were first appointed, some of them were suffered to lie asleep for so many years. The ordinance of the Lord’s supper (which came in the room of the passover) was not thus intermitted or set aside in the first days of the Christian church, though those were days of greater difficulty and distress than Israel knew in the wilderness; nay, in the times of persecution, the Lord’s supper was celebrated more frequently than afterwards. The Israelites in the wilderness could not forget their deliverance out of Egypt, their present state was a constant memorandum of it to them. All the danger was when they came to Canaan; there therefore they had need to be reminded of the
rock out of which they were hewn. However, because the first passover was celebrated in a hurry, and was rather the substance itself than the sign, it was the will of God that at the return of the year, when they were more composed, and better acquainted with the divine law, they should observe it again, that their children might more distinctly understand the solemnity and the better remember it hereafter. Calvin supposes that they were obliged to keep it now, and notes it as an instance of their carelessness that they had need to be reminded of an institution which they so lately received.
received of the Lordconcerning the gospel passover, 1Cor 11:23. Note, Magistrates must be monitors, and ministers must
stir up men’s minds by way of remembranceto that which is good.
compass God’s altar. Now,
Certain men were defiled by the dead body of a man(Num 9:6), and they lay under that defilement seven days (Num 19:11), and in that time might not eat of the holy things, Lev 7:20. This was not their iniquity, but their infelicity: some persons must touch dead bodies, to bury them out of sight, and therefore they could, with the better grace, bring their complaint to Moses.
ask the law at their mouth, Mal 2:7. These means we must use in pursuance of our prayers to God to lead us in a plain path. Observe with what trouble and concern these men complained that they were kept back from offering to the Lord. They did not complain of the law as unjust, but lamented their unhappiness that they fell under the restraint of it at this time, and desired some expedient might be found out for their relief. Note, It is a blessed thing to see people hungering and thirsting after God’s ordinances, and to hear them complaining of that which prevents their enjoyment of them. It should be a trouble to us when by any occasion we are kept back from bringing our offering in the solemnities of a sabbath or a sacrament, as it was to David when he was banished from the altar, Ps 42:1, Ps 42:2.
I will hear what the Lord will command concerning you, Num 9:8. Ministers must take example hence in resolving cases of conscience.
the law and the testimony, and speak according to that rule; and if, in difficult cases, we take time to spread the matter in particular before God by humble believing prayer, we have reason to hope that the Spirit who is promised to
lead us into all truthwill enable us to direct others
in the good and right way.
in a journey afar off, Num 9:10, Num 9:11. See here,
leave his gift before the altar, while he goes to be
reconciled to his brother; but when he has done his part towards it, whether it be effected or no, he must
come again and offer his gift, Matt 5:23, Matt 5:24. This secondary passover was to be kept on the same day of the month with the first, because the ordinance was a memorial of their deliverance on that day of the month. Once we find the whole congregation keeping the passover on this fourteenth day of the second month, in Hezekiah’s time (2Chr 30:15), which perhaps may help to account for the admission of some that were not clean to the eating of it. Had the general passover been kept in the first month, the unclean might have been put off till the second; but, that being kept in the second month, they had no warrant to eat it in the third month, and therefore, rather than not eat of it at all, they were admitted, though not cleansed
according to the purification of the sanctuary, Num 9:19, Num 9:20.
bear his sin, and
be cut off from his people. Note, As those who against their minds are forced to absent themselves from God’s ordinances may comfortably expect the favours of God’s grace under their affliction, so those who of choice absent themselves may justly expect the tokens of God’s wrath for their sin.
Be not deceived, God is not mocked.
in every nation he that fears God and works righteousness is accepted of him, and this was a truth before Peter perceived it, Acts 10:34, Acts 10:35.