Matthew Henry
We have here the conclusion of this vain attempt to curse Israel, and the total abandonment of it.
I called thee to curse my enemies, and thou hast shown thyself in league with them, and in their interests, for thou hast
blessed them these three times, though, by appointing the altars to be built and sacrifices to be offered, thou madest be believe thou wouldest certainly curse them.” Hereupon he forbade him his presence, expelled him his country, upbraided him with the preferments he had designed to bestow upon him, but now would not (Num 24:11): “
The Lord hath kept thee back from honour. See what thou gettest by pleasing the Lord, instead of pleasing me; thou has hindered thy preferment by it.” Thus those who are any way losers by their duty are commonly upbraided with it, as fools, for preferring it before their interest in the world. Whereas, if Balaam had been voluntary and sincere in his adherence to the word of the Lord, though he lost the honour Balak designed him by it, God would have made that loss up to him abundantly to his advantage.
vision was for a great while to come, but in his days there should be peace.
I will advertise thee; for it properly signifies,
I will counsel thee. What the counsel was is not set down here, because it was given privately, but we are told afterwards what it was, Num 31:16. He counselled him to entice the Israelites to idolatry, Rev 2:14. Since he could not have leave from God to curse them, he puts him in a way of getting help from the devil to tempt them.
Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo—If I cannot move heaven, I will solicit hell.