Matthew Henry
Here is,
sheaf of first-fruits, which was offered for the whole land, on the morrow after the passover (Lev 23:10), every man was to bring for himself a basket of first-fruits at the feast of pentecost, when the harvest was ended, which is therefore called the
feast of first-fruits(Exod 34:22), and is said to be kept with a
tribute of free-will-offering, Deut 16:10. But the Jews say, “The first-fruits, if not brought then, might be brought any time after, between that and winter.” When a man went into the field or vineyard at the time when the fruits were ripening, he was to mark that which he observed most forward, and to lay it by for first-fruits, wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates, some of each sort must be put in the same basket, with leaves between them, and presented to God in the place which he should choose. Now from this law we may learn,
My soul desired the first ripe fruits, Mic 7:1. When therefore God appointed them to lay those by for him he taught them to prefer the glorifying of his name before the gratifying of their own appetites and desires.
I remember the kindness of thy youth.
I profess that I have comenow at last, after forty years’ wandering,
unto the country which the Lord swore to give us. This was most proper to be said when they came first into Canaan; probably when they had been long settled there they varied from this form. Note, When God has made good his promises to us he expects that we should own it, to the honour of his faithfulness; this is like giving up the bond, as Solomon does, 1Kgs 8:56;
There has not failed one word of all his good promise. And our creature-comforts are doubly sweet to us when we see them flowing from the fountain of the promise.
A Syrian ready to perish was my father, Deut 26:5. Jacob is here called an
Aramite, or
Syrian, because he lived twenty years in Padan-Aram; his wives were of that country, and his children were all born there, except Benjamin; and perhaps the confessor means not Jacob himself, but that son of Jacob who was the father of his tribe. However it be, both father and sons were more than once ready to perish, by Laban’s severity, Esau’s cruelty, and the famine in the land, which last was the occasion of their going down into Egypt.
Laban the Syrian sought to destroy my father(so the Chaldee),
had almost destroyed him, so the Arabic.
Syrian, they might be called
Egyptians; so that their possession of Canaan being so long discontinued they could not pretend any tenant-right to it. A poor, despised, oppressed people they were in Egypt, and therefore, though now rich and great, had no reason to be proud, or secure, or forgetful of God.
he looked on our affliction; and an act of power—he
brought us forth with a mighty hand. This was a great salvation, fit to be remembered upon all occasions, and particularly upon this; they need not grudge to bring a basket of first-fruits to God, for to him they owed it that they were not now bringing in the tale of bricks to their cruel task-masters.
He hath given us this land, Deut 26:9. Observe, He must not only give thanks for his own lot, but for the land in general which was given to Israel; not only for this year’s profits, but for the ground itself which produced them, which God had graciously granted to his ancestors and entailed upon his posterity. Note, The comfort we have in particular enjoyments should lead us to be thankful for our share in public peace and plenty; and with present mercies we should bless God for the former mercies we remember and the further mercies we expect and hope for.
brought the first-fruits of the land(like a pepper-corn) as a quit-rent for
the land which thou hast given me.” Note, Whatever we give to God, it is but
of his ownthat we
give him, 1Chr 29:14. And it becomes us, who receive so much from him, to study what we shall render to him. The basket he set before God; and the priests, as God’s receivers, had the first-fruits, as perquisites of their place and fees for attending, Num 18:12.
Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God. His first-fruits were not accepted without further acts of adoration. A humble, reverent, thankful heart is that which God looks at and requires, and, without this, all we can put in a basket will not avail.
If a man would give all the substance of his houseto be excused from this, or in lieu of it,
it would utterly be contemned.
Thou shalt rejoice in every good thing, Deut 26:11. It is the will of God that we should be cheerful, not only in our attendance upon his holy ordinances, but in our enjoyments of the gifts of his providence. Whatever good thing God gives us, it is his will that we should make the most comfortable use we can of it, yet still tracing the streams to the fountain of all comfort and consolation.