Matthew Henry
Much of the communion between God and his people Israel was kept up, and a face of religion preserved in the nation, by the three yearly feasts, the institution of which, and the laws concerning them, we have several times met with already; and here they are repeated.
Observe the month Abib, Deut 16:1. Though one week only of this month was to be kept as a festival, yet their preparations before must be so solemn, and their reflections upon it and improvements of it afterwards so serious, as to amount to an observance of the whole month. The month of Abib, or of
new fruits, as the Chaldee translates it, answers to our March (or part of March and part of April), and was by a special order from God, in remembrance of the deliverance of Israel out of Egypt, made the
beginning of their year(Exod 12:2), which before was reckoned to begin in September. This month they were to keep the passover, in remembrance of their being
brought out of Egypt by night, Deut 16:1. The Chaldee paraphrasts expound it, “Because they came out of Egypt by daylight,” there being an express order that they should not stir out of their doors till morning, Exod 12:22. One of them expounds it thus: “
He brought thee out of Egypt, and did wonders
by night.” The other, “and thou shalt eat the passover
by night.” The laws concerning it are,
sacrificed for us(1Cor 5:7), and many other sacrifices were offered during the seven days of the feast (Num 28:19), which are included here, for they are said to be sacrificed
of the flock and the herd, whereas the passover itself was only of the flock, either a lamb or a kid: now no sacrifice was accepted but from the altar that sanctified it; it was therefore necessary that they should to up to the place of the altar, for, though the paschal lamb was entirely eaten by the owners, yet it must be killed in the court, the blood sprinkled, and the inwards burned upon the altar. By confining them to the appointed rule, from which they would have been apt to vary, and to introduce foolish inventions of their own, had they been permitted to offer these sacrifices within their own gates, from under the inspection of the priests. They were also hereby directed to have their eye up unto God in the solemnity, and the
desire of their hearts towards the remembrance of his name, being appointed to attend where he had chosen
to place his name, Deut 16:2, Deut 16:6. But, when the solemnity was over, they might
turn and go unto their tents, Deut 16:7. Some think that they might, if they pleased, return the very morning after the paschal lamb was killed and eaten, the priests and Levites being sufficient to carry on the rest of the week’s work; but the first day of the seven is so far from being the day of their dispersion that it is expressly appointed for a
holy convocation(Lev 23:7, Num 28:18); therefore we must take it as Jonathan’s paraphrase expounds it,
in the morning after the end of the feast thou shalt go to thy cities. And it was the practice to keep together the whole week, 2Chr 35:17.
bread of affliction, because neither grateful to the taste nor easy of digestion, and therefore proper to signify the heaviness of their spirits in their bondage and to keep in remembrance the haste in which they came out, the case being so urgent that they could not stay for the leavening of the bread they took with them for their march. The Jewish writers tell us that the custom at the passover supper was that the master of the family broke this unleavened bread, and gave to every one a piece of it, saying,
This is(that is, this signifies, represents, or commemorates, which explains that saying of our Saviour,
This is my body)
the bread of affliction which your fathers did eat in the land of Egypt. The gospel meaning of this feast of unleavened bread the apostle gives us, 1Cor 5:7.
Christ our passover being sacrificed for us, and we having participated in the blessed fruits of that sacrifice to our comfort,
let us keep the feastin a holy conversation, free from
the leaven of malicetowards our brethren and hypocrisy towards God, and
with the unleavened bread of sincerityand love.
Lastly, Observe, concerning the passover, for what end it was instituted: “
That thou mayest remember the day when thou camest forth out of Egypt, not only on the day of the passover, or during the seven days of the feast, but
all the days of thy life(Deut 16:3), as a constant inducement to obedience.” Thus we celebrate the memorial of Christ’s death at certain times, that we may remember it at all times, as a reason why we should
live to him that died for us and rose again.
from the time thou beginnest to put the sickle to the corn(Deut 16:9), that is, from the morrow after the first day of the feast of unleavened bread, for on that day (though it is probable the people did not begin their harvest till the feast was ended) messengers were sent to reap a sheaf of barley, which was to be offered to God as the first-fruits, Lev 23:10. Some think it implies a particular care which Providence would take of their land with respect to the weather, that their harvest should be always ripe and ready for the sickle just at the same time.
bring an offering unto God, Deut 16:10. It is here called a
tribute of a free-will-offering. It was required of them as a tribute to their Sovereign Lord and owner, under whom they held all they had; and yet because the law did not determine the
quantum, but it was left to every man’s generosity to bring what he chose, and whatever he brought he must give cheerfully, it is therefore called a
free-will offering. It was a grateful acknowledgment of the goodness of God to them in the mercies of these corn-harvests now finished, and therefore must be
according as God had blessed them. Where God sows plentifully he expects to reap accordingly.
thou wast a bond-man, and wouldest have been very thankful if thy taskmasters would have given thee some time and cause for rejoicing; and thy God did bring thee out to keep a feast with gladness; therefore be pleasant with thy servants, and make them easy.” And, it should seem, those general words,
thou shalt observe and do these statutes, are added here for a particular reason, because this feast was kept in remembrance of the giving of the law upon Mount Sinai, fifty days after they came out of Egypt; now the best way of expressing our thankfulness to God for his favour to us in giving us his law is to
observe and do according to the preceptsof it.
Thou shalt rejoice in thy feast(Deut 16:14),
and, because the Lord shall bless thee, thou shalt surely rejoice, Deut 16:15. Note,
rejoice evermore, to rejoice in the Lord always.
the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow may rejoice with us. See Job 29:13.
he shall bless thee, therefore
thou shalt rejoice. Those that make God their joy may
rejoice in hope, for he is faithful that has promised.
all she had, Luke 21:4.