Matthew Henry
Moses here tells the people of Israel,
The Lord hath chosen thee, Deut 14:2. Not for their own merit, nor for any good works foreseen, but because he would magnify the riches of his power and grace among them. He did not choose them because they were by their own dedication and subjection a peculiar people to him above other nations, but he chose them that they might be so by his grace; and thus were believers chosen, Eph 1:4.
You are the children of the Lord your God, formed by him into a people, owned by him as his people, nay, his family,
a people near unto him, nearer than any other.”
Israel is my son, my first-born; not because he needed children, but because they were orphans, and needed a father. Every Israelite is indeed a child of God, a partaker of his nature and favour, his love and blessing
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us!
Thou art a holy people, separated and set apart for God, devoted to his service, designed for his praise, governed by a holy law, graced by a holy tabernacle, and the holy ordinances relating to it.” God’s people are under the strongest obligations to be holy, and, if they are holy, are indebted to the grace of God that makes them so. The Lord has set them apart for himself, and qualified them for his service and the enjoyment of him, and so has made them holy to himself.
Be you the children of the Lord your God; so the Seventy read it, as a command, that is, “Carry yourselves as becomes the children of God, and do nothing to disgrace the honour and forfeit the privileges of the relation.” In two things particularly they must distinguish themselves:—
You shall not cut yourselves, Deut 14:1. This forbids (as some think), not only their cutting themselves at their funerals, either to express their grief or with their own blood to appease the infernal deities, but their wounding and mangling themselves in the worship of their gods, as Baal’s prophets did (1Kgs 18:28), or their marking themselves by incisions in their flesh for such and such deities, which in them, above any, would be an inexcusable crime, who in the sign of circumcision bore about with them in their bodies the marks of the Lord Jehovah. So that,
Children, you shall not cut yourselves. This is the intention of those commands which oblige us to deny ourselves; the true meaning of them, if we understood them aright, would appear to be,
Do yourselves no harm. And this also is the design of those providences which most cross us, to remove from us those things by which we are in danger of doing ourselves harm. Knives are taken from us, lest we should cut ourselves. Those that are dedicated to God as a holy people must do nothing to disfigure themselves; the body is for the Lord, and is to be used accordingly.
If your father(for instance)
die, you shall not cut yourselves, that is,
you shall not sorrow more than is meet, for you are not fatherless, you have a Father, who is great, living, and permanent, even the holy blessed God, whose children you are, Deut 14:1.
But an infidel(says he),
when his father dies, hath no father that can help him in time of need; for he hath said to a stock, Thou art my father, and to a stone, Thou hast brought me forth(Jer 2:27);
therefore he weeps, cuts himself, and makes himself bald. We that have a God to hope in, and a heaven to hope for, must bear up ourselves with that hope under every burden of this kind.
the hart, and the roe-buck, and the fallow deer(Deut 14:5), which, though never brought to God’s altar, was allowed them at their own table. See Deut 12:22. When of all these (as Adam of
every tree of the garden) they might freely eat, those were inexcusable who, to gratify a perverse appetite, or (as should seem) in honour of their idols, and in participation of their idolatrous sacrifices,
ate swines’ flesh, and had broth of abominable things(made so by this law)
in their vessels, Isa 65:4.
unclean and forbidden, Deut 14:9, Deut 14:10.
Of all clean fowls you may eat.
First, To eat the flesh of any creature that died of itself, because the blood was not separated from it, and, besides the ceremonial uncleanness which it lay under (from Lev 11:39), it is not wholesome food, nor ordinarily used among us, except by the poor.
Secondly, To
seethe a kid in its mother’s milk, either to gratify their own luxury, supposing it a dainty bit, or in conformity to some superstitious custom of the heathen. The Chaldee paraphrasts read it,
Thou shalt not eat flesh—meats and milk—meats together; and so it would forbid the use of butter as sauce to any flesh.
every creature of God is good, and nothing now to be refused, or
called common and unclean, 1Tim 4:4.