Matthew Henry
Lay up these words in your heart and in your soul. The heart must be the treasury or store-house in which the word of God must be laid up, to be used upon all occasions. We cannot expect good practices in the conversation, unless there be good thoughts, good affections, and good principles, in the heart.
upon your hand, which is always in view (Isa 49:16),
and as frontlets between your eyes, which you cannot avoid the sight of; let them be as ready and familiar to you, and have your eye as constantly upon them, as if they were
written upon your door-posts, and could not be overlooked either when you go out or when you come in.” Thus we must
lay God’s judgments before us, having a constant regard to them, as the guide of our way, as the rule of our work, Ps 119:30.
keep God’s commandments, and be careful to do your duty (Deut 11:22), God will not only crown the labours of the husbandman with plenty of the fruits of the earth, but he will own and succeed the more glorious undertakings of the men of war. Victory shall attend your arms; which way soever they turn, God will drive out these nations, and put you in possession of their land,” Deut 11:23, Deut 11:24. Their territories should be enlarged to the utmost extent of the promise, Gen 15:18. And all their neighbours should stand in awe of them, Deut 11:25. Nothing contributes more to the making of a nation considerable abroad, valuable to its friends and formidable to its enemies, than religion reigning in it; for who can be against those that have God for them? And he is certainly for those that are sincerely for him, Prov 14:34.